As “Baby Boomers” age, more and more emphasis is being placed on health and wellness. Eastern Madera County has a superb representation of both traditional and alternative medical practitioners. Medical equipment and supply stores provide a full array of supplies to meet home healthcare needs. There are several health food and nutritional stores, and educational services. Dentists, eye care practitioners chiropractors, nutritionists, mental health services, meditation instructors, general practitioners and medical specialists all provide excellent service to this community.
Hospitals & Urgent Care Facilities
Children’s Hospital Central California
Madera — 559-353-3000
Community Hospitals of Central California
Fresno — 559-459-6000
Community Medical Center (Urgent Care)
Oakhurst — 559-683-2992
John C. Fremont Hospital
Mariposa — 209-966-3631
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Fresno — 559-448-4500
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Oakhurst — 559-658-8388
Saint Agnes Medical Center
Fresno — 559-449-3000
University Medical Center
Fresno — 559-459-4000