Orting Community

Orting is one of the oldest cities in the state. Located in the foothills of Mt. Rainier between the Carbon and Puyallup Rivers, Orting is a turn-of-the-century small town, complete with several parks and trails for all of your outdoors adventures.


Population 7,983
Median household income $74,938
Education attainment 89.1%
Median house value 229,000
Number of companies 352

Sources: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2017 Census of Population and Housing; ESRI reports for 2008 and 2013


3 Corner Park
Calistoga Park
Charter Park
Gratzer Sports Park
Main City Park
Memorial Park
North Park
Rainier Meadows
Foothills Trails
Triangle Park
White Hawk Park
Williams Park

Annual Events in Orting WA (2019)

Orting Valley Farmers Market:
Fridays, June-September; 3-7 p.m.

Emergency Preparedness Fair:
Oct. 4, 2019

Orting Red Hats Day:
Oct. 4, 2019

Small Business Saturday:
Nov. 30, 2019

Daffodil Parade Day:
April 4, 2020