
The Prairie du Chien Memorial Library is a community-driven entity where education and adventure never end. The library upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and provides information and materials that reflect all points of view. The library serves customers of all ages, and at all levels of need. Friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to assist visitors with questions, or find the right resources for the job. The library strives to help all visitors easily access individual, educational and recreational needs.

The original library building at 125 S. Wacouta was built in 1962/3 with a bequest from Joseph W. Wachute and his wife, Emma Linzenmeyer Wachute. Previously, the library had been housed in the second floor of the old city hall building. In the late 1990s, Director Lois Gilbert and the library board recognized that the space was once again becoming inadequate; requests were being made by the public for meeting rooms and study spaces, and there was insufficient work and collection space. It has taken many years, and the efforts of a lot of people to bring this project to fruition.

After returning to its renovated home, there is no end to the services the library can provide. Following the remodel, visitors have commented on the new bright, spacious layout of the library. The newest features include private study rooms, a community room, a dedicated genealogy room and many other amenities. A severe weather shelter area/safe room is also available to the public should the need arise.

Information about library services and amenities is available at