Schools in DuBois

The DuBois Area School District is made up of eight elementary schools, a middle school and a high school, which serve the educational needs of over 4,700 students. The DASD believes that rural schools should not settle for a second rate education. Through innovative value-added assessments, each student’s progress is tracked over time, giving individualized attention to each student. As a result, state assessments show above average performance in math, reading and writing.

Area high school students may choose from 11 technical specialties in vocational training, or five areas in the Information Technology Academy, an integral part of Jefferson County-DuBois Area-Vocational-Technical School.

There are alternatives to public education, like the private faith-based education at the DuBois Area Catholic Schools which opened in 1889. DuBois Area Christian Schools, affiliated with the First Baptist Church, offers interscholastic sports and a faith-based education.

Penn State University at DuBois offers 11 associate’s degrees, and many four-year degrees that can be completed at the University’s main campus. In addition, DuBois also is home to several technical schools. Triangle Tech in Sandy Township has five programs related to building trades. The DuBois Business College offers seven associate degrees, and is a well-regarded business school. The College was one of the first to offer a combined graphic design and computer animation program, leading to success in various industries.