The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center’s Permian Basin regional campus offers three schools providing higher medical education – School of Medicine, School of Nursing and School of Health Professions – all part of a seven-campus regional system. The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center was established in 1979 and began operations in the basement of Medical Center Hospital in Odessa.
The School of Medicine is a community-based graduate medical school offering top-tier medical education to third- and fourth-year medical students. The program features six core specialties – family medicine, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and psychology.
The Resident training programs include opportunities to learn about preventive care at the clinics, in both Midland and Odessa, of the Texas Tech Physicians, which provides primary medical care for individuals of all ages, including routine physicals, immunizations, well-baby exams, health screenings, minor surgery, psychology and urgent care.
The School of Health Professions welcomed its first class to the Permian Basin in fall 1994. The program offers a doctorate degree in the physical therapy program and a master’s degree in the physician assistant program that is independently located on the Midland College campus.
The School of Nursing is committed to providing innovative education, focusing on primary care and rural health, at both the baccalaureate and master’s levels. The School of Nursing offers a traditional undergraduate nursing program plus a second-degree web-based accelerated baccalaureate nursing degree to those who have a previous bachelor’s degree in another field. Advanced nursing degrees are also available.