Welcome to Camden

We invite you to visit Camden and the other charming towns of Kershaw County in South Carolina.

Tour more than 60 historic sites, some dating back to the late 1700s in Camden’s Historic District, including parks, cottages and spacious mansions.

Visit Camden, “Steeplechase Capital of the World,” for the Carolina Cup and Colonial Cup races. Other equine activities, such as horse shows, polo matches and foxhunts, are available throughout the year. Other events during the year range from fishing, festivals, hunting, trail riding, boating, historical reenactments and tours, concerts and art shows. Visit our Antiques and Arts District with six antique malls and more than a dozen other shops offering an outstanding selection of antiques and collectibles.

Rich in heritage, Camden & Kershaw County, South Carolina, are places where the strength of tradition and history mingle with the excitement of the present. You will be pleased with small-town hospitality at its finest. Come experience our tradition in an area known for its “History, Horses and Hospitality.”