Senior Center

Through the department’s extremely active senior center, locals can participate in myriad programs, activities and trips. The center offers health, fitness and wellness programs, opportunities to meet new friends, special events and luncheons, volunteer opportunities, discussion and support groups, social and recreational activities, life-long learning, personal services, public benefit counseling, information and assistance, transportation, educational and arts programming, intergenerational programs and affordable and tasty lunches.

“I would encourage someone to join our center here in East Brunswick because it is so much more than what one would think of when they hear ‘senior center.’ We prefer to say it is an active adult activity center for residents age 60 and over,” said Danielle Micale, director of the township of East Brunswick’s Department on Aging. “It is a way for individuals to remain connected, active and informed. According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, getting out of the house most days of the week may help older adults live longer. Healthy relationships are important throughout the lifespan, but even more so in later life. Our center offers a holistic approach to longevity; creating numerous opportunities to maintain physical, mental and emotional health.”

The center, which is located adjacent to the East Brunswick Public Library, houses a computer room, a game room, a spacious multipurpose room, an art room and cozy areas for lounging and talking with friends. In the cafe, hot lunches, sandwiches and soup are served daily.

“An enticing aspect of our center is the diversity of programming. We provide an array of activities in order to meet the varied interests and needs of our participants,” Micale said. “Some of these programs include, but are not limited to, physical fitness classes for all levels, intergenerational activities, educational programs, health/wellness lectures and screenings, film/book discussions, musical activities, arts and crafts, support groups, special events such as parties, bus trips and much more.”

Free transportation to and from the center is offered daily, as well as weekly local trips for such things as shopping, errands and lunch for our registered participants. In addition, the center also coordinates local medical transportation for participants within East Brunswick Township for a nominal fee.

Moreover, East Brunswick Department on Aging also offers counseling, information and assistance to residents of East Brunswick and their families on aging related issues, as well as coordinate the East Brunswick Senior Meals Program to eligible homebound older adult residents.

For those looking to remain physically, mentally and socially active, the senior center is free of charge to join.

By Sarah Lancaster