Important Numbers

City DepartmentsPhone Numbers
Airport(715) 246-7735
Administration(715) 246-4268
Animal Control(715) 781-7126
Community Development(715) 246-4268
Fire and Rescue(715) 243-0429
Library(715) 243-0444
Police(715) 246-6667
Public Works(715) 246-4268
Utilities(715) 246-4268


County DepartmentsPhone Numbers
Administration(715) 381-4303
Economic Development(715) 381-4383
Health and Human Services(715) 246-8255
Parks(715) 381-4440
Sheriff’s Office(715) 381-4320
Snowmobile Trail Hotline(715) 772-6824
UW Extension(715) 531-1930
Veterans Service(715) 386-4759


State GovernmentPhone Numbers
Edvest College Savings(888) 338-3789
Governor’s Northern District(715) 340-3539
Legislative Hotline(800) 362-9472
Road Conditions511
Tourism(800) 432-8747
Veterans Affairs(800) 273-8255