County, State and Federal
Animal Control of St. Lucie County:
(772) 465-5770
Birth and Death Certificate:
(772) 873-4932
Business Complaint:
(772) 223-1492
Code Enforcement:
(772) 370-2545
County Administrative:
(772) 462-1100
Child Support:
(850) 488-5437
Clerk of the Court:
(772) 462-6900
Consumer Helpline (My Florida):
(800) 342-2762
County Court:
(772) 462-6900
County Jail:
(772) 462-7300
Cultural Affairs:
(772) 462-1767
Department of Children and Families:
(850) 487-1111
Driver’s License:
(772) 462-1650
Dump and Landfill:
(772) 462-1768
Emergency Operations Center:
(772) 462-8100
Extension Office (Co-Op):
(772) 462-1660
Facility Rental:
(772) 462-1521
Fire District St. Lucie County:
(772) 621-3400
(772) 464-2910
Fishing and Hunting Licenses:
(772) 462-1650
Florida Fish and Wildlife:
(561) 625-5122
Florida Highway Patrol State Roads:
(772) 468-3967
Florida Highway Patrol Turnpike:
(772) 871-7635
HANDS Clinic:
(772) 462-5646
Health Department:
(772) 462-3800
Havert L. Fenn Center:
(772) 462-1521
Housing and Urban Development Hotline, Section 8:
(800) 955-2232
Housing Authority:
(772) 461-1345
Housing and Community Services:
(772) 462-1777
Immigration Services:
(800) 375-5283
Internal Revenue Services:
(800) 829-1040
Internal Revenue Services (recording):
(772) 340-5606
Legal Aid:
(772) 466-4766
Lincoln Park Community Center:
(772) 462-1788
Mosquito Control:
(772) 462-1692
Mosquito Fogging Hotline:
(772) 462-1800
Parks and Recreation:
(772) 462-2110
Planning Division:
(772) 871-5212
Property Appraiser
Fort Pierce, County Government Complex
2300 Virginia Ave.,: (772) 462-1000
Port St. Lucie, City Center
1664 SE Walton Rd.: (772) 462-1650
Public Defender:
(772) 462-2048
Recreation Division:
(772) 462-1521
Regional Historical Center:
(772) 462-1795
Savannas Recreation Area (Midway Rd.):
(772) 464-7855
Sheriff’s Department:
(772) 462-7300
Small Business Administration:
(772) 336-6282
Social Security Office:
(800) 772-1213
Solid Waste and Recycling Facility:
(772) 462-1768
South Florida Water Management:
(561) 686-8800
State’s Attorney Office:
(772) 465-3000
St. Lucie County Aquarium:
(772) 462-3474
St. Lucie West Annex:
(772) 462-6900
Supervisor of Election
4132 Okeechobee Rd.,
Fort Pierce: (772) 462-1500
1664 SE. Walton Rd., PSL:
(772) 337-5623
25 NW. Country
Club Dr., SLW: (772) 871-5410
Tax Collector – Motor Vehicle Tags
Fort Pierce, County Government Complex,
2300 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce:
(772) 462-1650
1664 SE. Walton Rd.:
(772) 462-1650
Tourism Bureau:
(800) 344-8443
U.S. Coast Guard:
(772) 461-6100
Unemployment Services:
(800) 204-2418
U.S. Post Office – Main Branch:
(772) 460-0841
Veterans Services:
(772) 337-5670
Walton Community Center:
(772) 462-2110
Zoning Division:
(772) 871-5212
City Government Offices and Services
Fort Pierce
Mayor’s Office:
(772) 467-3065
Animal Control:
(772) 465-5770
Building Department:
(772) 467-3718
Business Licenses:
(772) 467-3065
City Hall:
(772) 467-3000
City Marina:
(772) 464-1245
Code Enforcement:
(772) 467-3000
Fort Pierce Utilities Authority:
(772) 466-1600
Park Rental:
(772) 461-2905
Police Department:
(772) 467-6800
Public Works:
(772) 467-3811
River Walk Community Center:
(772) 489-6473
Solid Waste:
(772) 467-3794
Port St. Lucie
Mayor’s Office:
(772) 871-5159
Animal Control:
(772) 871-5042
Building Department:
(772) 871-5132
Business Licenses:
(772) 344-4356
City Hall:
(772) 871-5225
Civic Center:
(772) 807-4488
Code Enforcement:
(772) 871-5010
Community Center:
(772) 878-2277
Garage Sale Permit:
(772) 871-5010
Litter Hotline:
(772) 871-7000
Parks and Recreation:
(772) 878-2277
Police Department:
(772) 871-5000
Public Works:
(772) 871-5100
Utilities Department:
(772) 871-5330
St. Lucie Village Town Hall:
(772) 466-6900
St. Lucie County Library System
Fort Pierce
101 Melody Ln.: (772) 462-1615
Zora Neale Hurston,
3008 Ave., D: (772) 462-2154
Lakewood Park
7605 Santa Barbara Rd.:
(772) 462-6870
Port St. Lucie
2410 SE. Morningside Blvd.:
(772) 337-5632
180 SW. Prima Vista Blvd.:
(772) 871-5450
2950 SW. Rosser Blvd.:
(772) 871-5470
St. Lucie West Pruitt Campus
500 California Blvd.: (772) 336-6380
A.E. Backus Museum and Gallery: (772) 465-0630
AARP: (772) 336-3330
American Red Cross: (772) 672-8800
American Cancer Society: (800) 227-2345
Agape Senior Center, Fort Pierce: (772) 468-9090
Art Association: (772) 579-1529
Beach Tours on Horseback: (772) 468-0101
Better Business Bureau: (772) 223-1492
Big Brothers/Big Sisters: (772) 466-8535
Boys & Girls Club: (772) 466-8535
Career Source: (866) 482-4473
CASTLE: (772) 465-6011
Children’s Services Council: (772) 408-1100
Children’s Home Society: 800-247-4600
Comcast: (772) 266-2278
Community Transit – Fort Pierce: (772) 464-7433
Community Transit – Port St. Lucie: (772) 879-1287
Council on Aging – Fort Pierce: (772) 465-1485
Council on Aging – St. Lucie County: (772) 336-8608
Downtown Business Association: (772) 466-3880
Economic Development Council: (772) 336-6250
Education Foundation of St. Lucie County: (772) 429-5505
Fairgrounds Association: (772) 464-2910
Farmers Markets, Fort Pierce: (772) 940-1145
Florida City Gas: 800-993-7546
Florida Power and Light: (772) 462-0555
Friday Fest: (772) 466-3880
Greyhound Public Bus: (772) 461-3299
Gulfstream Goodwill Industries: 561-848-7200
Guardian Ad Litem Program: (772) 785-5804
Habitat for Humanity: (772) 464-1117
Hallstrom Planetarium: (772) 462-4750
Harbor Branch Oceanographic: (772) 466-9876
Harvest Food and Outreach Center: (772) 468-8543
Heathcote Botanical Gardens: (772) 464-4672
Hibiscus Children’s Center: (772) 334-9311
Humane Society: (772) 461-0687
Jazz Society: (772) 460-5299
League of Women Voters: (772) 461-3991
Lincoln Park Main Street: (772) 462-2481
MainStreet Fort Pierce: (772) 466-3880
Make-A-Wish Foundation: (954) 967-9474
Manatee Center: (772) 429-6266
Marine Industries: (772) 692-7599
Mets Stadium: (772) 871-2115
Mustard Seed Ministries: (772) 465-6021
Navy SEAL Museum: (772) 595-5845
PGA Museum of Golf: (772) 467-1300
Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens: (772) 337-1959
Project Response (HIV/AIDS): (772) 464-4484
Realtors Association: (772) 465-6080
Safe Space: (772) 223-2399
SBDC: (772) 462-7296
SCORE: (772) 489-0548
St. Lucie Public Schools: (772) 429-3600
Seven Gables Visitors Center: (772) 468-9152
St. Lucie County Regional History Center: (772) 462-1795
Small Business Administration: (800) 827-5722
Smithsonian Marine Center: (772) 462-3474
Social Helpline Referral Service: 211
Social Helpline Referral Service Outside Treasure Coast and Palm Beach: (866) 882-2991
Suicide Help Hotline: (772) 562-2000
St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce: (772) 595-9999
Sunrise Theatre: (772) 461-4884
Treasure Coast Builders Association: (772) 336-8222
Treasure Coast Connector: (772) 464-8878
Treasure Coast Food Bank: (772) 489-3034
Treasure Coast Model Railroad Club: (772) 621-9636
Treasure Coast Research Park: (772) 467-3107
Treasure Health: (772) 403-4500
Tradition: (772) 340-3500
United for Families: (772) 398-2920
United Way of St. Lucie County: (772) 464-5300
Visiting Nurses Association: (772) 286-1844
Waste Pro: (772) 595-9390
Florida Drivers License
The St. Lucie County Tax Collector provides drivers license and motor vehicle services for the community. Bring original documents to prove identity, including a Social Security number and residential address. The website contains a complete checklist of the other types of identification that can be used to renew, obtain or update a license.
Motor Vehicle Registration
Vehicles must be registered and have Florida tags within 30 days of newcomers establishing residency, their first day of work or when they register their children for school.
Boat Registration
Anyone who owns a boat and will keep it in the state for more than 90 days must have it registered through the tax collector. The length of the boat will determine the cost.
Voter Registration
Anyone wishing to vote can register at the St. Lucie Supervisor of Elections offices in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie West and Port St. Lucie. Individuals must be a citizen of the United States, a Florida resident, age 18 or older, have never been convicted of a felony, not be mentally incapacitated, or not have the right to vote in another country or state. Registration must be completed 29 days before the election in which an individual would like to participate.
School Registration
To register children for school, visit the St. Lucie County School Board office of Student Assignment at the Orange Blossom Business Park on Okeechobee Road in Fort Pierce. The following documentation is necessary: proof of residency, a certificate of immunization, proof of a medical examination during the past 12 months, a birth certificate and a copy of the child’s last report card.
Pet Licenses
Any dog or cat within St. Lucie County (including unincorporated areas) must have a pet license. Contact the Humane Society to secure one.
Fishing License
All residents and visitors are required to obtain a license for freshwater and saltwater fishing. Call the St. Lucie County Tax Collector’s office for details.
Hunting License
Those wishing to hunt any bird or animal in season on any land except game reserves or posted private property without permission must obtain a hunting license. These permits can be obtained through the St. Lucie County Tax Collector or at Wal-Mart, K-Mart or any local bait and tackle shops.