Welcome to Moore

Welcome to Moore, Oklahoma

Welcome to Moore, Oklahoma! We are a proud city, currently 63,000 strong, but we believe the best is yet to come. New commercial prospects appear frequently, significant commercial growth is occurring along the Interstate 35 corridor, and the newer residential developments include larger, executive type housing and gated communities.

We continue to rebuild and repair streets in our residential neighborhoods. The upcoming completion of the S. 34th St. overpass should help alleviate some of the traffic congestion on S 19th St. All of us are anxious about starting the S 4th St. underpass at the railroad tracks.

The Station at Central Park has many activities for children, as well as adults. Whether participating at the gym, swimming, basketball, food trucks, or the Farmer’s Market, the whole town is proud of this facility. Our neighborhoods are enjoying the numerous parks around the city, with the splash pads, walking trails, and playgrounds. Our 4th of July fireworks in the park are outstanding and appreciated by many.

Moore’s citizens are always willing to fund the police and fire departments. A new fire station is being built on NW 5th St, and we continue to purchase new equipment for both departments. Our salaries are competitive with the surrounding cities for the finest employees. Safety is important to all of us.

We are proud of all the businesses that choose to locate in Moore. The new Integris Hospital and Western Farmer’s Electric Cooperative are bringing jobs to Moore, as well as all the restaurants, retail shops, and offices. All that is possible is being done to make Moore a better place to live, work, and raise a family.