Important Phone Numbers

MUSKEGO WI Important Phone Numbers

Chamber of Commerce
(414) 422-1155

City Hall
(262) 679-4100

Election Clerk
(262) 679-5628

Fire Non-emergency
(262) 679-4130

Food Pantry
(262) 679-6448

(262) 971-2100

(262) 679-5675

Muskego County Park
(262) 679-0310

Parks & Recreation Department
(262) 679-4108

Police non-emergency
(262) 679-4130

Post Office
(414) 422-9501

Public Works Department
(262) 679-4128

School District Muskego-Norway
(262) 971-1800

Senior Taxi
(262) 679-4754

School Superintendent
(262) 679-1800, ext. 2108

Trash pick-up: Advanced Disposal
(262) 679-0860

Wind Lake – Town of Norway

Clerk’s Office (262) 895-6335

Fire Non-emergency (262) 895-7533

Parks & Recreation Department (262) 895-6180

Police Office (262) 895-2195

Non-emergency: Racine County Dispatch
(262) 534-5166

School Districts: see website

Trash pick-up: Johns Disposal Service
(262) 473-4700

Big Bend area

Fire Non-emergency (262) 662-2747

Police Office (262) 662-3782

Non-emergency: Waukesha County Dispatch
(262) 662-2311

Post Office (262) 662-0996

Public Works (262) 662-4903

School District: Mukwonago (262) 363-6300

Village Hall
(262) 662-2747

Village Library (262) 662-3571

Muskego’s interactive mapping websites

Access all mapping layers for your property.


Animal welfare concerns

Humane Animal Welfare Society HAWS
(262) 542-8851

Report stray animals to Muskego Police
(262) 679-4130

Drug & alcohol abuse awareness

24-hour drop-off for unused medication

Police Department, W182 S8200 Racine Ave.

Addiction Resource Council
24-hour helpline (262) 524-7920

Drug Free Communities (262) 409-2667

Project Know Alcohol Counseling (800) 928-9139

Interfaith Senior Programs Waukesha
(262) 549-3348

Medical services/clinics

Eagles Wing Free Clinic (262) 385-9211

Waukesha County Health
& Human Services Impact 211

Dial 211 for information and assistance concerning municipal and community services, shelter and services for the homeless, substance abuse, people with disabilities and health care access.


Waukesha County Recycling

Provides information on disposal of hazardous wastes, televisions and computers.