Dundee Township

Established in 1835, Dundee Township is one of the oldest governments in the Fox River Valley. Its six square miles include the vibrant river towns of Carpentersville, East Dundee, Sleepy Hollow, West Dundee and parts of Algonquin and Elgin.

The supervisor acts on a long tradition of neighbors helping neighbors by offering emergency services to those needing help with rent or utility payments. The Township’s Ride in Kane program is part of a regional transportation service for disabled and senior residents. The assessor evaluates properties for tax purposes. The road commissioner and crew maintain roads in unincorporated areas. The supervisor operates two public cemeteries and eight open space recreation areas.

Raceway Woods is the best known of the eight open space recreation areas the township owns. It was a destination for racing fans from around the country. Sometimes you can hear the roar of Formula I race cars rounding the Monza Wall and coming down the straightaway into Little Monza and Greg’s Corkscrew. The track was the brainchild of Leonard Besinger Sr. It opened on Sept. 13, 1958, attracting approximately 200,000 fans. People who experienced the racing thrills come from around the country to walk and reminisce. Most days with even marginal weather, a steady stream of people can be found hiking or biking through Raceway Woods, Snuffy’s Prairie, Dixie Briggs Fromm Nature Preserve, the Jelke Creek Bid Sanctuary, Library Springs or Salamander Springs Natural Area.

The township has a loyal following of volunteers who regularly work to restore the 862 acres to pre-settlement conditions. These areas provide rich habitat for nature lovers, horseback riders and an active biking community. Birders, hikers, horseback riders and bikers exist in relatively harmony traveling the trail systems on each site.